Low emission zone in Hanover has been abolished

The environmental zone in the state capital Hanover has been lifted since 22 February 2024.

On January 25th, the council of the state capital of Hanover passed a modified air pollution control plan that lifted the driving bans in the low-emission zone. After some necessary formal processes, the new plan was made public on February 22nd. With this step, the low emission zone in Hanover was lifted on that day. All signs have been ordered to be removed and should be completed in approximately six weeks. The low emission zone existed for around 16 years: At the beginning of 2008, cars were only allowed to drive into this area with red, yellow and green stickers. A year later, entry was only permitted with a yellow and green sticker. Since 2010 until today, all cars in the low emission zone must have a green sticker on the windshield.

For more information go to our webpage Germany.

Picture source pixabay.

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